The Monitoring Well, Reflections on Geology & Society

Introduction to this blog

This is my personal blog . I expect to post at least once a week with an article on geological sciences and on how these affect society in general. I will be including mostly new content but I may update some previously published work.

I also expect to improve this blog as go along. So bear with me as I go on this new journey in my career.

To read the most current posting - go to the Blog page   

To read previous postings - go to:

Standard Caveat

The purpose of my weblog postings is to spark people's curiosity in geology. Don't entirely believe me until you've done your own research and checked the evidence. If I have sparked your curiosity in the subjects posted on this website, follow up with some of the links provided in the postings. If you want to, go out into the field and examine some rocks on your own with the help of a good field guide. Follow the evidence and make up your own mind.

In science, the only authority is the evidence!

Blog Roll

Here is a list of the web logs and other websites I follow

A few geology websites, I'll add more over time

Ancient Earth Globe

The Art of Water Wells

British Geological Survey  

Dinosaur Pictures and Facts

Earthquake Insights 

Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Centre

Earthquakes Monitoring Live Worldwide

The Economic Geochemist

Geology. com news                                   

Geological Association of Canada 

Geological Digressions 

Geological Society of America

Geological Survey of Canada

Geological time scale from the Geological Society of America

The Groundwater Project 


Judith Curry, climate scientist 

LibreTexts Geosciences, free geoscience textbooks

Roadside Geology /Geology Underfoot Books

Surplus Energy Economics

United States Geological Survey 

The Geologists’ Association (Great Britain) 

Seismic Monitor

Social commentary - read at risk of changing your personal narrative

The Automatic Earth                            



James Howard Kunstler  

Peter Turchin 

Urban Survival      

The Z Man


Bedrock: A Podcast on Earth's Earliest History  

The Big Blue Rock Pod.

Common Descent.

Fall of Civilizations Podcast, also on You Tube, the host, Paul M.M. Cooper, is great to listen to.

PlanetGeo: The Geology Podcast .

Geology Bites 

Third Pod from the Sun

Water Well Journal Industry Connected Podcast

You Tube Channels and Neat Videos

Myron Cook



GeologyUpSkill; Geology fieldwork adv

Mineral Deposits and Commodities of Australia Through Time

Moth Light Media - paleontology and evolution

Randall Carlson's Kosmographia.

History of the Earth.

Rob Butler, The Shear Zone

Shawn Willsey, Geology Professor

The Day the Mesozoic Died: The Asteroid That Killed the Dinosaurs — HHMI BioInteractive Video

Zanclean Flood of the Mediterranean in Sicily - computer animation.

Humour - In case you need a laugh                      

Babylon Bee

The Unger Review

The Onion

Rock-solid geology puns that will make you erupt in laughter.


I am the webmaster and an Elder at First Presbyterian Church, Portage la Prairie

Who Am I?

My name is Raymond Reichelt and I live in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba Canada. I am a Professional Geoscientist (P. Geo. (SM) ) registered with Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba. My career as a geologist began in 1979 and included the following:

1979 - 1986: Well site geology and mud logging for Core Laboratories and Exlog Canada

1986 - 1989: Consulting geologist, mining exploration

1989 - 2006: Environmental Geologist for Dillon Consulting, Stantec Consulting, KGS Group, and Geokwan Consulting

2006 -2019: Environment Officer and Contaminated Sites Coordinator for the Province of Manitoba

I retired at the end of 2019 and am now pursuing personal projects such as this blog

I am on Linked In , Facebook, and Twitter at @RaymondReichelt

If anyone has comments on any of my postings, please leave a comment on the Linkedin page for the posting or email me at